Additional media coverage re: Japan government's decision to dump highly radioactively contaminated Fukushima Daiichi wastewater into Pacific Ocean

Thank you to the Nevada State Agency for Nuclear Project's "What's News?" page for these postings:
Updated - Sunday, April 18, 2021
- Common Dreams - Biden Must Urge Japan to Abandon Dangerous Fukushima Wastewater Plan - By Rick Steiner
- Independent Australia - Japan condemned over proposed nuclear wastewater dump
Updated - Saturday, April 17, 2021
- The Hill - The danger of Japan dumping Fukushima wastewater into the ocean - By Rick Steiner
- Focus Taiwan - AEC plans warning system on Fukushima radioactive water release - By Su Szu-Yun and Frances Huang
Updated - Friday, April 17, 2021
- The Zimbabwe Independent - Japan approves releasing nuclear waste into ocean -
- AA - Japan's nuclear waste plan 'unpardonable': North Korea - Riyaz Ul Khaliq
Updated - Thursday, April 16, 2021
Updated - Wednesday, April 14, 2021
- Reuters - South Korea aims to fight Japan's Fukushima decision at world tribunal - By Hyonhee Shin
- The Smithsonian Magazine - Japan Will Release Fukushima Nuclear Plant Wastewater Into Ocean - By Theresa Machemer
- The Shine - China urges Japan to reconsider decision on nuclear waste disposal: FM spokesperson - Xinhua
Updated - Tuesday, April 13, 2021
- China Daily - Japan harms global community by dumping nuclear waste into sea - By Zhao Manfeng
- South China Morning Post - Why is Japan going to dump radioactive water from Fukushima nuclear plant in the sea? What are the risks and is there an alternative? - Cheryl Heng
- Business Insider - Japan approves plan to dump 1 million tons of wastewater from Fukushima nuclear disaster into the sea, arguing that it has been treated and isn't harmful - Marianne Guenot
- RNZ - Forum calls on Japan to re-think toxic waste dump plans
- The Guardian - Fukushima: Japan announces it will dump contaminated water into sea - Justin Mccurry
- Science Magazine - Japan plans to release Fukushima's wastewater into the ocean - By Dennis Normile
- NPR - Japan To Dump Wastewater From Wrecked Fukushima Nuclear Plant Into Pacific Ocean - Anthony Kuhn