Risky repairs attempted at Monju experimental plutonium breeder, Japan's most dangerous and non-sensical reactor
June 21, 2011
The New York Times has reported that the Japanese government's Atomic Energy Agency will try yet again to dislodge a 3.3 ton object accidently dropped onto Monju's core last August, despite the high risks inherent with the reactor's volatile and toxic plutonium, as well as ultra-reactive liquid sodium coolant, inventories (1.4 tons, and 1,600 tons, respectively). Both Citizens Nuclear Information Center Tokyo, and the Council of the People of Fukui Prefecture Against Nuclear Power, are quoted, warning, as they have for decades, against Monju's many risks. The experiment, twenty years old, with a price tag of $12 billion and counting, has thus far produced electricity for a grand total of one hour.
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