






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


U.S. Senator Russ Feingold thanked for his leadership against radioactive waste risks

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat from Wisconsin.The Honorable Russ Feingold, Democratic U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, was just thanked by Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps in an op-ed, published in the Madison, WI Cap Times, for his leadership in opposing the risks of radioactive waste transporation on the Great Lakes, as well as radioactive waste "recycling" into consumer products. Sen. Feingold led a group of 7 Democratic U.S. Senators from across the Great Lakes to fire off strong letters to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, as well as the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, questioning the proposal by Bruce Nuclear of Ontario to ship 16 giant, radioactive steam generators to Sweden. Sen. Feingold, who has served Wisconsin for 18 years in the U.S. Senate, just lost his re-election bid on Nov. 2nd. He and his stellar staff will be sorely missed.


Erie, PA Times-News: "Kamps: Casey joins effort to protect lakes"

U.S. Senator Robert Casey, Jr., Democrat from Pennsylvania.The Erie, Pennsylvania Times-News online edition has published an op-ed by Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, praising U.S. Robert Casey, Jr. (Democrat-Pennsylvania) for his opposition to the proposed shipment of 16 radioactive steam generators from Canada to Sweden via the Great Lakes for so-called "recycling" into consumer products. A similar op-ed by Kevin appeared in the Buffalo News on Nov. 4th, thanking U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand (Democrats from New York) for likewise protecting the Great Lakes from radioactive waste transportation, and questioning the wisdom of "recycling" radioactive waste into consumer products.


Huge Jaitapur nuclear plant given hasty green light by Indian official

Activists and residents in Jaitapur are up in arms after Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh gave the environmental clearance to the proposed 9,900 MW nuclear power plant in the port town located in Maharashtra. The general consensus on the ground is that the project has been cleared in haste without analysing the environmental fallout, according to an article on The reactors will be supplied by the French giant, Areva, whose poor environmental track record was dismissed by Indian nuclear authorities who claimed to be unaware of contamination caused by Areva around the world and in France. A day-long protest against the decision is planned for December 2. An earlier protest by villagers on October 29 (pictured) resulted in 1,000 arrests.


Fun new variation on Nuclear, No Thanks!

Produced by in Germany.


50 municipalities, representing over two million Québec residents, opposed to radioactive steam generator shipment on St. Lawrence River

Beyond Nuclear ally Michel Fugère in Québec reports that Gaetan Ruest, Mayor of Amqui and head of the 300 municipalities  endorsing the "Municipal Regroupement in Québec," yesterday made a supplemental submission (in French) to the CNSC. The updated number of municipalities endorsing resolutions ("The Fate of Nuclear Power in Québec: A Choice for Society!" and "Resolution to ban the transport of radioactive steam generators via the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence," both also in French) against the Bruce Power radioactive steam generator shipment, as of November 20th, 2010, is 50 municipalities. Additionally, 5 MRC have endorsed the resolution. Altogether, these municipalities represent 455,000 people. Adding Montréal, which has its own resolution against the Bruce proposal, then over 2 million people in Québec, out of a total population of about 7.5 million in Canada's second most populous province, are represented through their municipal leaders in opposition to the radioactive steam generator shipment.