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Fishermen, farmers and villagers in India rise in protest against French nuclear behemoth

Protests in Maharashtra province near Mumbai, India, are escalating in an effort to stop plans by French nuclear giant, Areva, to build two 2,500 megawatt nuclear reactors there (four are ultimately planned for the site). Citing the destruction of their livelihood, contamination of their land and people, and the unacceptable burden of radioactive waste, locals around the Jataipur site have been marching, protesting and getting arrested. Even some local congressional leaders are leaning toward opposing the plant. The 938 hectares of land required to set up the nuclear plant will come mainly from the five villages of Madban, Niveli, Mithgavane, Karel and Ansure on the Konkan coast. Of this, 700 hectares will be needed for the plant alone, while another 200 hectares will be needed for support infrastructure. Villagers claim that they were not told why the land was acquired in the first three villages. Please suport this important fight. If you are on Facebook, consider becoming a friend of No Nuke Kokan.

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