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National Call: Stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline [Wed., Sept. 14]

Allison Fisher at Public Citizen's Energy Program has put out the following action alert/invitation:

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, September 14, at 3 pm Eastern / 2 pm Central / 1 pm Mountain / 12 noon Pacific time, the Climate Reality Check team will hold the latest in our series of national conference calls to help strengthen community organizing on climate, entitled:

From the Frontlines: Stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline

We will be joined by Cody Hall, spokesman for the Red Warrior Camp on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota.  We’ve also invited speakers from Honor the Earth and the Indigenous Environmental Network.

Even if you can’t make it on the 14th, register to receive a recording of the call.

The Dakota Access pipeline would carry 450,000 barrels per day of fracked oil from North Dakota to Illinois - cutting through sovereign tribal land and crossing under the Missouri River.

In response, an inspiring opposition – led by the Standing Rock Sioux - has emerged.  This grassroots force is employing civil disobedience and a robust legal strategy to halt construction on this toxic tube.

Join us to learn more about:

  • updates from the occupation
  • strategies to stop the pipeline
  • how this fight fits into the climate justice and anti-fracking movements
  • solidarity events around the country and other ways to join the fight

RSVP for the call: https://goo.gl/forms/ElYixLpXAJYhgWwm1

Talk to you soon!

The CRC team* – Allison, Nancy, Jean and Ted

*The CRC team is Allison Fisher, Public Citizen, Nancy LaPlaca, NC WARN, Jean Su, the Center for Biological Diversity and Ted Glick, Beyond Extreme Energy and movement builder.

Have an idea or speaker for a call?  Email Allison at afisher@citizen.org

P.S. please see the note below from our friends at Honor the Earth, Indigenous Environmental Network, Sierra Club, 350.org, CREDO, and BOLD Alliance

We invite your organization and membership to join us on Tuesday, September 13th for a day of solidarity distributed actions to call on President Obama to take action to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

We are asking for folks to coordinate peaceful solidarity rallies in their cities and submit photos and tag on social media with #NoDAPL so that we can gather those photos and tell the story of all those standing with the Standing Rock Sioux and tribal allies against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Sign up to host an event here for this specific day of action targeting President Obama and hope that you will join us with actions across the country. Further messaging and materials will be provided to hosts.

What can your organization do to help?
1. Host an event
2. E-mail membership to attend events
3. Social media promotion
**If your organization would like to be listed on the website as a sponsor, please fill out this google form**

The message of these events is: President Obama must intervene now and stop the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline
The goals of a single day of solidarity action from the climate movement during a call for 2 weeks of action against DAPL are:
Get press that puts pressure on President Obama and the administration to step into the process.
Elevate frontline resistance to fossil fuel projects fueling the climate crisis.
Grow the climate movement and invite activists to be involved in this fight.
Types of suggested actions:

Rally in your city to call on Obama to stop DAPL

Rally at city hall to call on city council to send solidarity statement (Example from Twin Cities in Minnesota is here.)

Honk and wave event against the pipeline.