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Urgent Appeal for International Observers


Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance, Standing Rock North Dakota

Joseph White Eyes 605-230-0812
Michelle Cook 914-334-0888 
Carolyn Raffensperger 515-450-2320

We, the Indigenous defenders of the land and water within the traditional treaty lands of the Oceti Sakowin, make an urgent appeal to the international community to assist us in facing a human rights crisis.  Dakota Access is trying to put a crude oil pipeline under the Missouri River.  This is a dire threat to the drinking water and future generations of the Oceti Sakowin who have lived here for generations.
For the past few days there has been unidentified air-craft circling the camp and we’ve been surrounded by federal and state police.  We believe the elders, women and children present at this peaceful assembly could be under threat and in danger of imminent harm and possible violence from state and federal police (including Homeland Security) as well as private security. The Governor of North Dakota has issued a state of emergency and closed roads and restricted freedom of movement. We are unarmed.  We do not have cell phone service or wifi.  We are unable to communicate and document for the world community this peaceful assembly.
We are committed to peaceful defense of our water and our territory. 
We urgently seek national and international human rights observers to come.  We need United Nations’ rapporteurs, NGOs (especially Indigneous NGOs), and Churches, to be aware of the rapidly escalating dangers facing this peaceful gathering. Please come and bear witness.

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