How close are you to a Mark I or II?
This online mapping program by ESRI can tell you your proximity to the nearest atomic reactors. Just allow the program to utilize your current location, or type in any address in the Lower 48, and find out!
This program was included in March 10, 2014 NBC News coverage of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe's 3-year mark, in an article entitled "U.S. Nuclear Agency Hid Concerns, Hailed Safety Record as Fukushima Meltded" by investigative reporter Bill Dedman.
There are 23 GE BWR Mark Is operating in the U.S., and 3 Mark IIs. The former are identical in design to Units 1 to 4 at Fukushima Daiichi, while the latter are very similar in design. Use this program to see if an address you care about is close to one or more Mark Is or IIs, and help us "Freeze Our Fukushimas"!