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"Taking Back America's Energy Future from the Lobbyists: 1 Million Americans to Fight Industry Efforts to Kill Clean Energy Agenda"

"Burning Money" image by Gene Case, Avenging AngelsBeyond Nuclear has joined with three dozen national, regional, and local grassroots organizations to launch the American Clean Energy Agenda. See the media release, entitled "Taking Back America's Energy Future from the Lobbyists: 1 Million Americans to Fight Industry Efforts to Kill Clean Energy Agenda." The American Clean Energy Agenda is posted online. Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, who took part in the early April summit to hammer out these principles in Boston, said: "Only in Orwell's worst nightmare would dirty, dangerous, and expensive nuclear power be considered clean energy."

Efficiency upgrades, as well as electricity from renewable sources such as wind power and solar PV, could readily replace the nuclear power electricity mega-wattage from Mark Is and IIs. Renewables and efficiency could do so more safely, securely, and cleanly.

The cost and reliability of renewables and efficiency continues to improve. The cost of new atomic reactors is skyrocketing. Age-degraded old reactors face both growing cost (for safety significant maintenance and repairs) and reliability problems.