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Rally to "CLOSE VERMONT YANKEE NOW," Sat., April 14, Brattleboro, VT!

Beyond Nuclear is a proud co-sponsor of another rally in solidarity with the State of Vermont and its people to shutdown Entergy Nuclear's Vermont Yankee GE BWR Mark I reactor, despite the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) rubberstamp of a 20 year license extension, finalized in March 2011, just days after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe had begun at identically designed reactors in Japan. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), the outspoken voice for nuclear safety on the U.S. Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee, will be the featured speaker. Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) has posted a media release, while the Safe and Green Campaign is posting updates.

This rally will take place just three weeks after a rally and march by more than 1,000 protestors in Brattleboro, followed by around 150 arrests at Entergy's VT HQ, on the first day of the NRC-approved license extension. Non-violent civil disobedience arrests also occurred simultaneously at Entergy's Northeast regional offices in White Plains, NY, as well as at its national HQ in New Orleans, as captured in Beyond Nuclear's humorous "we will not be silent" film, The Activist(s).