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Bure waste dump plan reaches "public inquiry" phase

Having based its power system on nuclear energy since the mid 1970s, France has accumulated around 2700 cubic metres of high-level radioactive waste and about 40,000 cubic metres of long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste. Between them these contain 99% of the radioactivity from nuclear power generation. A highly controversial geological burial site has been chosen near Bure that straddles the Meuse and Haute-Marne regions. A research facility is currently in place there - along with a permanent "vigilance" of opposition. Now the "public" inquiry phase has begun. A series of public meetings will be held through Oct. 15, 2013, and the government and regulators will consider the outcome when they decide whether to approve the site.Andra, the waste-management agency spearheading the plan, wants to start construction in 2019 and begin operations in 2025.