





The issue of whether food supplies are contaminated with radiation has become more prominent since the global distribution of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster which began in March, 2011. Fukushima is still releasing radioactivity to the Pacific Ocean. In reality, food contamination has  been a worldwide concern since radioactive fallout from atomic bomb testing in the middle of the last century. Additionally, there have been countless releases of radioactive material, both planned and accidental, including the 1986 Chernobyl reactor explosion in Ukraine. It is imperative that these releases be viewed as a total, rather than as discrete events, because the long-term impact on our health could be cumulatively detrimental. Questions arise not only about whether food is contaminated, and how to measure this, but the levels at which radioactively contaminated food might be made available for consumption, and how international standards of radiation protection allow for more man-made radiation in food in certain countries and not others.



High levels of cesium found in fish off Ibaraki (Japan)

"Researchers have found high levels of radioactive cesium in fish caught early this month off Hitachi in Ibaraki Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo.

Prefectural officials said 1,037 becquerels of cesium were discovered per kilogram of Japanese sea bass. That's more than 10 times the government safety limit." NHK World

Beyond Nuclear's take: This fish may be too contaminated for the limits in Japan, set at 100 Bq/kg for cesium (way too high), but this contamination level is acceptable in the United States due to lax Food and Drug Administration standards which allow 1200 Bq/kg of cesium. Couple this with the revelation that the ruined reactors at Fukushima are still leaking radioactive material, the levels are increasing, and that ICRP has condoned public "re-education" (slide #11 in link) in order to sell contaminated food to people outside contaminated areas, it is even more imperative that the US FDA lower its allowable cesium limit to 5 Bq/kg.


Cesium levels in plankton higher than surrounding Pacific waters: Beyond Nuclear's take

Japan Times reports that cesium was found in samples of zooplankton and surface seawater taken at 10 points between Hokkaido and Guam, 500 to 2,100 km from the crippled power plant, between Jan. 14 and Feb. 5, 2012. Cesium 134 and 137 were found at all ten locations. The highest level in sea water was 41.5 Bq/kg, at a convergence of two ocean currents, while plankton had a little over 25 Bq/kg, higher than the sea water surrounding them.

“Our concern is the high level of (radioactive cesium found in plankton) taken from waters around latitude 25 degrees north, and we don’t know why the level got high around that area,” Kitamura said.

Plankton are thought to accumulate cesium and since bigger fish feast on plankton, their contamination levels should also be studied for further concentration of cesium. Although the samples were taken over one year ago, about a year after the Fukushima accident began, the study results were just released in May of 2013. The researchers say they don't plan on studying the bigger fish because they lack the equipment to ensure statistical significance but they do plan a follow up study on plankton and seawater in July.

The issue of statistical significance in this context represents a disconnect between how science investigates a problem and what real people who eat fish need to know, regardless of statistical significance. People consume fish from the Pacific, not plankton; and while studies of plankton are very important, testing fish that humans eat is also very necessary. This illustrates the urgent need to monitor our food for radioactive cesium contamination, particularly ocean fish.



Freshwater fish in Japan contaminated with cesium, implications for US

More than a year after it was received by the journal, a paper examining the contamination of Eastern Japan's freshwater fish (data taken from the Fisheries Agency of the Japanese government and measured between May and September 2011) was published by Meat-eating fish, classified as Salmonidae, were found to have almost twice the level of radioactive cesium compared to fish classified as Plecoglossidae or plant-eating.

The contamination of freshwater fish was found as far as 400 km south-west from the plant. Japan is characterized by high-density irrigation and canal waterways, ponds, and urban water systems. These conditions could support widespread and entrenched contamination although the researchers say they will have to further investigate how bioaccumulation affects cesium concentration, espcially since the data were gathered under emergency conditions to prevent ingestion of highly radioactive foodstuffs.Figure 3: The isogram map shows average active cesium (quasi-Cs137) contamination level of the Ayu (Plecoglossus) captured in between May and September 2011 on each prefectures in eastern Japan.

"Quasi-Cs137" means that both cesium 134 and cesium 137 are included in this measurement. This isogram represents only contamination in the plant-eating fish. Cesium contamination of meat-eating fish would be about twice as high.

Although some of this fish is too contaminated to be imported directly to the United States or European countries, much of it could be imported, even though it would not be consumed in Japan since their radioactive cesium limit is 100 Bq/kg. This points to the need for proper food testing in the US, lowering of allowable contamination limits, and labeling of food.


Beyond Nuclear and others take action to lower radioactivity allowed in food

Beyond Nuclear, in coalition with other groups and individuals from Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network or FFAN, filed a petition with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to drastically reduce the amount of radioactive cesium permitted in food, from a ridiculous 1200 Bq/kg, to 5 Bq/kg (see why here, read why here). The Bq  (Becquerel) is a measure of radioactivity. This week the FDA officially accepted the petition into its process, which means they are now accepting comments.

Our petition asks for a binding limit of 5 Bq/kg of cesium 134 & 137 combined, in food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals. This is necessary because of continuing exposure to radiation from atomic bomb testing and routine releases from nuclear power, and in the wake of the ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima, where the reactors are still releasing radioactivity. We also ask that testing be widespread and, when technologically feasible, measurements below 5 Bq/kg be taken. Through this effort, we would like a database of contamination levels to be established and maintained, with information relevant to researchers, so that movement of the cesium radionuclide in our environment can be tracked since it tends to biomagnify once released.

The current US FDA recommendation, which is not binding, is twelve times higher than the limit in Japan. Before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, any material at or above Japan’s now accepted limit of 100 Bq/kg would have meant handling the contaminated material like nuclear waste is handled. But after Fukushima, up to 100 Bq/kg is considered all right to eat it. Anything above that 100 Bq/kg could be placed in the markets of other countries, like the US, who have higher cesium limits.

Studies indicate that, in post-Chernobyl Belarus, at just 11 Bq/kg of internal cesium contamination children can be susceptible to heart problems.  At 50 Bq/kg, children can start to have permanent tissue damage.

Additionally, in a 2011 report, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Germany, has determined that the European Union cesium limit of 370 Bq/kg for babies and 600 for adults is woefully unprotective. Such high limits for cesium could be responsible, in combination with other man-made radioactivity, like strontium-90, plutonium-239 and iodine-131 (cesium-137 is a sentinel-indicator for the presence of these other isotopes and often does not exist without them), for roughly 150,000 additional cancer deaths in Germany alone if people consume only products contaminated to the maximum permissible limit. This number does not account for incidence of cancer nor any other wide-ranging diseases or genetic disorders radiation could cause.

The highest limit in Europe is half of the 1200 Bq/kg of cesium the US FDA recommends as its action limit. We should note, however, that the US recommendation comports very closely with the 1250 Bq/kg limit for most foodstuffs proposed by EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community), the body of the EU that promotes nuclear power.

The IPPNW report recommends a 4 Bq/kg of cesium 137 and a 4 Bq/kg limit of cesium 134 for children, limits very similar to the 5 Bq/kg we are asking the FDA to implement for everyone. Beyond Nuclear believes it is impractical for the US to have one standard for adults and one for children.  It would be difficult to regulate, and add to the cost of implementation, so protection for the most vulnerable, those up to age 17 at least, should be the guiding principle used to set the standard. In fact, the IPPNW report recognizes this fact as well.

Beyond Nuclear and other FFAN coalition partners will be spearheading public participation initiatives in support of this FDA petition, in addition to adding more supporting materials and amendments through the petition process as we help educate the public, the FDA and Congress on this issue. Stay tuned for upcoming actions!

Artwork is from the Strong Children Project.

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