Code Pink bannerAs reported by the Washington Post:
[Joseph DeThomas, a former State Department official who focused on North Korea and Iran and is now a professor of international affairs at Pennsylvania State University] warned, however, that even if sanctions are adopted and enforced, the way ahead will be difficult, because North Korea may feel it has little choice, given the [U.S.] president’s bellicosity at the United Nations, but to proceed with its weapons program despite the pain of an embargo.
“If we stick with sanctions, it's going to be a long ugly haul with lots of humanitarian costs,” DeThomas said.
As conveyed in a Beyond Nuclear action alert on Sept. 19th:
As the Council for a Livable World points out, "These kinds of nuclear threats make the world a far more dangerous place. The president is matching North Korea's fiery rhetoric and threats with his own, increasing the chances of miscalculation leading to an unimaginable conflict. The safety and security of millions is on the line."
Trump also threatened U.S. military action in Yemen, Venezuela and Iran and to decertify the Iran Deal, described by Peace Action as "a milestone diplomatic achievement with real results for nuclear non-proliferation."
We support Peace Action's urgent plea to "call your Senators and Representative right now at 202-224-3121 and tell them to OPPOSE any escalation in military intervention against North Korea, Venezuela, Iran or Yemen."
And we agree with the Code Pink banner (pictured above). Diplomacy can work. Nuclear detonation and devastation would instead lead us to that "unimaginable" end.