





Nuclear Weapons

Beyond Nuclear advocates for the elimination of all nuclear weapons and argues that removing them can only make us safer, not more vulnerable. The expansion of commercial nuclear power across the globe only increases the chance that more nuclear weapons will be built and is counterproductive to disarmament. We also cover nuclear weapons issues on our international site, Beyond Nuclear International.


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Kansas City: Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Aug. 8, 7pm, near National Security Campus (nuclear weapon factory)

PeaceWorks, Kansas City

4509 Walnut, KC MO 64111     FaceBook: PeaceWorks KC
 For immediate release: Aug. 2, 2021        Contact: Henry Stoever, 913-375-0045

 Attend Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Aug. 8 near nuclear weapon plant in KC MO

The annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance occurs this year on August 8, Sunday, near the nuclear weapons plant, the National Security Campus. Times for the walk and program:


6:50 pm   Park on Prospect Ave. at the intersection with Mo. Hwy. 150. Choose a flag to carry.

7 pm   Walk on the bike path 1 mile to the entry road to the National Security Campus.


7:45 pm   Participate in our program at the entry road. We’ll have speakers of Japanese heritage and ponder reasons for hope in this 76th year since the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings in August 1945.


Why does PeaceWorks-KC persist in holding this remembrance? “We recall the horrific bombings in 1945,” says Henry Stoever, a PeaceWorks co-chair, “in order not to repeat the past, in order to recommit ourselves to seeking a nuke-free world. We meet this year near the factory that makes or procures 85 percent of the non-fissile parts of nuclear weapons—triggering devices, aiming devices, fuses, wiring, other components.”


Why is this memorial not held (as in prior years) at Loose Park, easier for people to come to than the far-south tip of KC MO? “We know the federal government, this fall, is allowing the nuclear weapon plant to expand to two warehouses within two miles of the plant,” says Ann Suellentrop, a board member of PeaceWorks-KC and a leader of the KC chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Business is booming in the nuclear weapon industry. We want to walk past the vast nuclear weapon plant, the National Security Campus, and ponder the 2022 budget request of $1.2 billion in our tax dollars to support this abomination, this threat to world peace, this monolith that makes our city a target.”


The featured speakers at the program after the one-mile walk will be Ms. Keiko Baker, Honorary Principal of the Japanese School in the Kansas City area, and Ms. Hiroko Komiya of Topeka, KS, vice president of the new International Peace Center in Lawrence, KS. Co-sponsors of the program include the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, the Green Party, and the KC chapter of Veterans for Peace.


As in past years, the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance will feature the ringing of a gong in meditative remembrance of the 1945 bombing tragedy, as well as music and reflections. New this year will be the mile-long trek with flags from 50-some countries that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons; the treaty took effect in the signers’ countries Jan. 22, 2021.  


Hiroshima Nagasaki Day 2021: Join Us Friday 6 August 2021 @ 7 PM EDT (ZOOM Webinar)

  • The Hiroshima Nagasaki Day Coalition (HNDC) invites you and your organization to support us & join us in peace in a virtual commemoration ceremony to mark the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki:
    “Hope for the Earth: Canada, Sign the BAN Treaty!”
    Friday 6 August 2021 7:00 – 8:30 PM EDT
    ZOOM Webinar

    Registration link:
    Setsuko Thurlow at the Peace Garden
    The HNDC is proud to have our own Setsuko Thurlow, international disarmament advocate & hibakusha, speak on the exciting progress of the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW, “the BAN Treaty”) around the world.  Setsuko co-accepted the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
    Once again, due to public health concerns of COVID-19, the HNDC will host the ceremony as an online ZOOM webinar.  With this virtual programme, our local commemoration will broadcast to a national audience, we look forward to returning to Toronto’s Peace Garden for future commemoration ceremonies.

    In 2021, our guest speakers will address the challenges of bringing the Treaty to Canada:

    Erin Hunt
    Program Director
    Mines Action Canada
    Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
    Member of Parliament
    Beaches-East York

    Kehkashan Basu
    Green Hope Foundation

    Ron Korb
    Composer/ Flautist
    2016 Grammy-nominee

    With your support, and the extraordinary efforts of Dr. Anton Wagner, the HNDC achieved an unprecedented level of outreach.  Over the last 12 months the HNDC:
    Organized the 3-page, bilingual Parliamentary Appeal “Towards a Nuclear Weapons-Free World” in the Ottawa Hill Times, endorsed by 110 groups and 330 individuals, marking the BAN Treaty’s Entry Into Force.
  • Commissioned the April 2021 Nanos Research public opinion poll on nuclear weapons and the BAN Treaty with The Simons Foundation Canada and le Collectif Échec à la guerres.  The poll results indicated that an overwhelming majority of Canadians believe the world should work to eliminate nuclear weapons.
  • Co-hosted the Webinar “Why hasn’t Canada signed the UN Nuclear BAN Treaty?” featuring Setsuko Thurlow and Members of Parliament from 4 national parties with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.
Thank you for your past interest and support- we could not do this outreach without you!  We ask you to help us continue to work toward a world free of nuclear weapons.
As a volunteer-driven coalition of peace and community groups, without government or industry sponsorship, we value every dollar we receive.  Any contribution for 2021 will help us raise the $5,000 needed to research, organize, and promote the 76th anniversary commemoration ceremony as well as continue our outreach for the next year. 
Your personal or organizational contribution can be made via Paypal:
Go to:
Use the “DONATE” button in the top right corner
Contribution can also be made via cheque payable to “Hiroshima Day Coalition”
c/o Mike P. Nevin, Treasurer
100 Bain Avenue, #51 Oaks
Toronto ON M4K 1E8
Thank you for your continued support.
In peace,

Rosemary Keenan
Co-Chair, HNDC
Executive Member
Pax Christi Toronto


Vinay Jindal, MD
Co-Chair, HNDC
International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War Canada




List of actions organized by WILPF branches to commemorate Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings

As shared by Ellen Thomas (WILPF is short for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, a 100+ year old organization):

Dear DISARMers
Please forward the [linked PDF] file and this email to your friends and relatives so they can be planning how to commemorate the 76th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (6th and 9th August). There will be many events and activities all over the USA (and the rest of the world) to commemorate these dreadful bombings and remind us why we spend lots of time and energy to bring about the abolition of nuclear weapons.
I have assembled the information on those events organized by WILPF branches, into the attached WORD file. There are many in-person events on the list and you may find one within driving distance of your home. 
I have also included a link to some of our last year's resource guides that described ways to honor the victims of these bombings, which you can do this year, such as fast, ring bells and add your event to the international peace wave, which will happen again this year, see 
Here is the link to an online calendar where you will find events organized by our sister anti-nuclear organizations:


The national Physicians for Social Responsibility website is hosting a calendar of events all over the USA to commemorate the 76th anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, go here   to see the latest list, and to post your event. 


Please send me reports on what you did, with photos, and I will make a summary for the September eNEWS.
Regards from Cherrill Spencer, co-chair of DISARM/End Wars Committee


Moment of silence at the Olympics [Beyond the Bomb/former Mayor of Hiroshima, Akiba, organizational sign-on letter + separate petition for individuals

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Apologies if you have already received this alert.
Please see the Beyond the Bomb action alert below. Please consider signing your group onto Beyond the Bomb's organizational sign-on letter to the International Olympics Committee (deadline End of Day, Monday, August 2nd), which follows the lead of former Hiroshima Mayor Akiba's petition for individual sign-on, also linked below. Thank you.
---Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear and Don't Waste Michigan

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Pope <>
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 11:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: Moment of silence at the Olympics
To: #StillHere Coalition <>

Hi All,
I wanted to share the below note from Yasmeen at Beyond the Bomb.
It's about an effort to get the Olympics to hold a moment of silence on the 6th to mark the anniversary of the attack on Hiroshima. You'll see there is both an organizational sign-on letter and a petition for individuals (which I believe Jackie Cabasso flagged a few weeks ago). It'd be great if we could amplify this effort so please join in and share widely. 
Time is running short so the goal deadline is EOD on Monday the 2nd.
Hope everyone is doing well, I know a lot of folks are doing a lot of great work right now!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yasmeen Silva <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 7:12 PM

Hi all,

Just following up on the conversation during our call and the email that Daryl sent around earlier this week. As a means to show organizational support for Mayor Akiba's petition, we have created a sign on letter that we plan to send to the IOC early next week.


I hope your organization will sign on, the deadline is EOD Monday 8/2. You can find the language and sign-on form here. Please spread the word! (This form is only for organizations to sign on, if you want to sign as an individual, please use the original petition from Mayor Akiba, found here.)


Yasmeen Silva

Partnerships Manager

she/her/hers (why pronouns?)


Sent from the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Lenape Peoples.


John Pope

Communications Manager

Peace and Security Collaborative | ReThink Media

He/Him/His (why pronouns?)

Peace & Security Editorial Calendar

Washington, DC


Tri-Valley CARES Aug. 6 & 9 commemoration events (Bay Area, CA)

Join Us on August 6th and 9th

Commemorate Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Stand with the Hibakusha. Abolish nuclear weapons. You are invited to tune in and act for positive change!


We invite you to participate in a virtual rally with Daniel Ellsberg, Nobuaki Hanaoka, Nell Myhand, Tsukuru Fors, John Burroughs, Marylia Kelley, Marshallese climate activists and more! Betsy Rose and Benjamin Mertz will provide the music. You will find more info, links, and bios in the flyer below.

The U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki seventy-six years ago on August 6 and 9, 1945. The nuclear explosions created shadows where there had been people. These nuclear shadows have been with us each day since, and they remain with us today.

On August 6 and 9, 2021 Tri-Valley CAREs and a coalition of Bay Area peace and justice groups will commemorate the past and act to change the future.

We ask you to join us on the commemorative date of your choice (rally program is the same both dates). We will be joined by a Hibakusha (A-bomb survivor) to say “never again” to nuclear devastation. And we will re-dedicate ourselves to the global abolition of nuclear weapons.

In a still-lingering time of Covid, this year’s commemoration will include a limited in-person program at Livermore Lab, one of two places where the U.S. designs all of its nuclear weapons. The live and virtual portions of the commemoration will be woven together into one experience for the viewer.

Click images to enlarge

CLICK HERE to download the front of the flyer

CLICK HERE to download the back of the flyer

HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para descargar el anverso del volante en español

HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para descargar el reverso del folleto en español

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