




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries by admin (702)


Construction Accident At Nuclear Plant Knocks Out Power Along Jersey Shore

As reported by the Daily Voice.

NJ-based Holtec, in charge of the Oyster Creek decommissioning, has made screw up after screw up there thus far. In one screw up, a worker was doused and dosed with radioactive water, when a high-level radioactive waste storage (HLRW) container leaked.

But not only does Holtec want to be trusted with HLRW on-site storage at places like Oyster Creek. It also wants to ship the HLRWs to New Mexico, for "interim storage."


The Hazards of Transporting Radioactive Waste from Vermont Yankee

Margaret HarringtonNuclear-Free Future, hosted by Margaret Harrington (photo, left), on Channel 17/Town Meeting TV, Burlington, Vermont.

Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist ‘watchdog’ from Beyond Nuclear, talks with host Margaret Harrington about the hazards of transporting radioactive nuclear waste from nuclear reactors, whether Vermont Yankee or Indian Point in New York State. Reactors make plutonium in waste. Wherever nuclear power goes, nuclear weapons follow.

Production date: June 14, 2021

Watch the video 43-minute recording, here.


These activists think they have solution to Texas' nuclear waste problem

As reported by the Midland Reporter Telegram. (The online article is behind a paywall, but see the PDF version here.) Beyond Nuclear, and our Texas ally Lon Burnam, are quoted.

Burnam served for 18 years in the Texas House of Representatives as a Progressive Democrat from Fort Worth. Now, he's fighting both the Interim Storage Partners' high-level radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) targeted at Waste Control Specialists, LLC's national "low" level radioactive waste dump in Andrews County, TX, as well as the Holtec International/Eddy Lea Energy Alliance irradiated nuclear fuel CISF targeted at southeastern NM, just 40 miles further west.


Holtec employee splashed with radioactive water in Oyster Creek cask accident

As reported by the Asbury Park Press.

The Associated Press has also reported on this story, very similar or even identical to the Asbury Park Press article above, but abbreviated.

The ExchangeMonitor, in an article entitled "Holtec Violated regs in Oyster Creek Canister Failure That Contaminated Worker, NRC Says," broke the story on May 28th -- but its article is behind a paywall.

In addition, here is the NRC document which led to the articles:
This significant incident at Holtec's Oyster Creek, New Jersey, nuclear power plant decommissioning site is not highlighted in the 12 page NRC document, but is "hidden in plain sight" in there. But the ExchangeMonitor reporter, above, sniffed it out nonetheless.

As Janet Tauro of Clean Water Action in NJ put it, how ironic is it that Holtec publicly bragged about breaking speed records in transferring all the irradiated nuclear fuel out of the Oyster Creek pool into dry cask storage, while this incident, dating back to Feb., was effectively kept quiet for three long months?! Clearly, Holtec broke some safety rules too, resulting in the dosing of a worker, as well as the contamination of the facility. Thankfully, this reporter broke the news, or it may have never seen the light of day.


Nuclear solution for New Mexico's economy could be key to storing Northeast's spent fuel

Communities in New York, New Jersey and across the nation that are home to shuttered nuclear power plants are hoping Holtec International's plan for a repository to store spent fuel becomes reality

As reported the Carlsbad Current-Argus.