Conservation 101
- If every U.S. household installed one compact fluorescent light bulb it would displace one nuclear power plant. 1=1!
- Twenty compact fluorescents in every U.S. home would displace at least 25% of U.S. nuclear plants.
- Updated lighting, appliances, heating, cooling and other electrical systems can save more energy than all 103 U.S. reactors produce annually.
- Cost-effective energy efficiency measures for homes and business can save from 20% to 47% of electricity use according to a study by five U.S. national laboratories.
- Turning off and unplugging electrical equipment not in use; or line-drying clothes seem like small measures but make a big difference.
- Homeowners and renters alike can choose to buy green power instead of nuclear-generated electricity.
- Properly sealing and insulating your home can save between 25%-40% of building heat loss.
- Renewable energy sources can meet 25% U.S. energy needs by 2025. Talk to your state representatives about ensuring that your state maximizes its use of renewable energy in the form of a renewable portfolio standard.
- Shifting to locally generated electricity avoids waste, reduces brownouts and blackouts, increases efficiency of service and creates jobs.
- Climate change is underway. Renewable energy can be brought on line faster, more cheaply and more safely than nuclear power.
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