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No nuclear waste dump [Public Citizen's Texas Office webform alert -- please take action!]

Public Citizen


Two companies want to make Texas the nation’s nuclear waste dumping ground.

We can’t let that happen.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is taking comments on a proposal to dump high-level radioactive waste in West Texas. The waste would be imported from across the country. That’s a danger to millions of Americans who live near train tracks and ports where this waste will past through.

Federal law prohibits the temporary storage of nuclear waste, but the NRC wants to issue permits anyway.

Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that you don’t want nuclear waste transported through our communities and dumped in Texas.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently sent a letter to President Trump opposing the new dump. Local communities in Texas and New Mexico have also spoken up.

Join them in telling the NRC not to allow high-level radioactive waste dumping in Texas.

We don’t want it. 

Adrian Shelley
Public Citizen’s Texas office director 

P.S. There’s a public comment meeting on the NRC’s proposal this Thursday, October 15 beginning at 10 a.m. Central Time. You can tell the NRC in your own words that you don’t want nuclear waste in Texas. Details are here.