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Opposition to HB 104, the "ANTHEM Act," as Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee set to hold hearing

Here is the link to the Nov. 29, 2020 organizational coalition letter of opposition.

The letter is addressed to Members of the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee, expressing opposition to House Bill 104 (HB 104), Ohio's "Advanced Nuclear Technology Helping Energize Mankind Act" (the "ANTHEM Act"). On very short notice -- over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend -- the committee has announced a hearing on the bill for Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

The letter of opposition is signed by Toledo, Ohio-attorney Terry J. Lodge, and endorsed by 56 environmental, safe energy, and public interest organizations.

Its section titles include:

I. The Thorium Fuel Cycle Fuels the Spread of Nuclear Weapons;

II. Molten Salt Reactors Pose Serious Nuclear Waste Disposal and Contamination Problems;

III. Reprocessing Technology Is Messy, Dangerous, Expensive, and Foolish;

IV. The Nuclear Development Authority Cannot Serve Both as a Regulator and as a Nuclear Chamber of Commerce;

V. A State Agency Partnering with Private Corporations May Be Forced to Share Liability, Jeapordizing Taxpayer Funds;

VI. Who Pays in the Event of a Nuclear Catastrophe?

The letter will be submitted as opposing testimony to HB 104 by Lodge.


Lodge encourages individuals who oppose HB 104 to consider using the coalition letter as a model, to help prepare their own comments for submission to the Ohio Senate committee. Lodge suggests this simple template, for any individuals who wish to express their opposition to HB 104, by submitting this statement to the proper Ohio Senate Committee staff person, in PDF form, as explained below:

"I have read and agree with the combined Sierra Club/organizational coalition letter of opposition to HB 104, submitted by Pat Marida, Terry Lodge and 56 safe energy, environmental, and public interest organizations."

Or, Lodge also points out, you can use the coalition letter to prepare your own, more detailed comments for submission. Anyone should feel free to cut and paste from the letter verbatim, or to use the coalition letter in any way that is helpful.


Opponents' testimony re: HB 104 must be submitted by 4:30 PM Eastern on Monday, November 30, 2020. In order to do so:

Fill out a witness slip and attach it, with your testimony (attach testimony as a PDF file), to the email to Ohio Senate committee staff person John Wells (don't write testimony directly in the email to him), an aide to Ohio State Senator Steve Wilson, Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee Chair, at  

Patricia Marida of the Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Committee has also prepared a concise Opponents' Analysis of HB 104. It contains numerous links for additional information, as well as contact information for Ohio state legislators and Ohio state legislative committee members who you can contact directly to express your opposition to the bill, an additional action you can take besides submitting testimony to the committee. You can also use the backgrounder's helpful points to prepare your own comments for submission to the committee as official oppositional testimony, per above.