The Case Against Fukushima Releasing Over One Million Metric Tons of Radioactive Wastewater

Beyond Nuclear press release, done in collaboration with the Institute for Public Accuracy.
Update on April 15, 2021 by

Thom Hartmann national radio show interview with Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, "Fukushima Nuclear Fish Coming to Your Plate, Happy?"
Jacqueline Luqman and Sean Blackmon "By Any Means Necessary" Sputnik Radio interview with Kevin, "Japan horrifies neighbors with a plan to dump nuclear wastewater in Pacific" (begins at 45 minute 55 second mark of the program, ends at 59 minute 00 second mark)
Dennis J. Bernstein "Flashpoints" KPFA Pacifica Radio interview with Kevin, "Japan plans to dump massive amounts of highly toxic radioactive water and waste from the Fukushima meltdown into the Pacific Ocean–California Beach-goers beware" (begins at 32 minute 35 second mark, ends at 51 minute 20 second mark)