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NRC rejects environmental coalition emergency enforcement petition calling for shutdown of GE BWR Mark Is and IIs

On March 27, 2014 -- the eve of the 35-year mark on TMI's meltdown -- NRC issued "G20130229 - 2206 Petition Closure Letter Re Revoke Operating License for General Electric Mark I and Mark II Boiling Water Reactors." The closure letter is stored on NRC's ADAMS system under ADAMS Accession No.: ML13338A612.

The NRC closure letter rejects an environmental coalition's -- led by Beyond Nuclear's Reactor Oversight Project Director, Paul Gunter -- emergency enforcement petition from March 2013 seeking the immediate shutdown of GE BWR Mark Is and IIs, of which the US has 23 and 8, respectively, still operating. Fukushima Daiichi Units 1 to 4 were Mark Is, but Mark IIs are also very similarly designed.