Beyond Nuclear's 23rd set of public comments, re: Docket ID NRC-2018-0052, NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS -- Stringent Criteria for a Highly Radioactive Waste Geologic Repository; 1,000+ organizations opposed to the Yucca dump targeted at Western Shoshone land in NV
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Dear Holtec-CISFEIS Resource and NRC Staff,
This is my 23rd set of public comments in this proceeding.
I submit these comments on behalf of our members and supporters, not only in New Mexico, near the targeted Holtec/ELEA Laguna Gatuna site, but across New Mexico, and the rest of the country, along road, rail, and waterway routes that would be used for high risk, highly radioactive waste shipments to Holtec's CISF, as well as to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone land -- illegally and improperly assumed by Holtec, as well as NRC, to someday become a permanent disposal repository.
Due especially to the numerous problems I have experienced submitting public comments via this <> email address, please acknowledge receipt of these comments, and their proper placement in the official public record for this proceeding.
The following subject matter has gotten little to no attention in NRC's Holtec CISF DEIS, a far cry from NEPA's legally binding "hard look" requirement.
Thus, for all of these reasons, Holtec's and NRC's assumption that Yucca Mountain will someday become a permanent repository, is bogus, illegal, erroneous, and improper. Neither Holtec nor NRC can justify calling this proposed CISF "temporary" or "interim." If it is licensed, constructed, and operated, it will certainly become very long-term surface storage, likely indefinite, and perhaps even de facto permanent -- a surface storage/disposal parking lot dump.
Stringent Criteria for a Highly Radioactive Waste Geologic Repository;
1,000+ organizations opposed to the Yucca Mountain dump targeted at Western Shoshone Land in Nevada.
Of course, transporting high-risk, high-level radioactive waste once, instead of multiple times, makes good sense. Thus, CISFs make no sense. Irradiated nuclear fuel should be transported only once, from the nuclear power plant sites where it is currently located, to a permanent repository. But that permanent repository must meet all of the stringent criteria listed above. Yucca Mountain cannot do so. Therefore, Holtec and NRC should stop illegally and improperly assuming it will do so. If Holtec and NRC refuse to stop, then Yucca dump opponents -- the Western Shoshone, the State of Nevada, and more than a thousand environmental and public interest groups, representing many millions of people -- will see to it that Holtec and NRC are stopped, just as the adamant resistance to the Yucca dump has stood strong for 33 years, and counting.
So, for the irradiated nuclear fuel that already exists, geologic isolation, at a site meeting all the stringent criteria above, is the preferred alternative to Holtec's CISF in NM.
For the irradiated nuclear fuel that does not already exist, the preferred alternative to Holtec's CISF in NM, is to not generate it in the first place. Dangerously age-degraded reactors should be shut ASAP for safety's sake alone. Proposed new reactors should be cancelled, and no new reactors built in the future. The electricity supply for replacing these shutdown old, and cancelled proposed new, reactors should be provided by energy efficiency and conservation savings in the first place, and any newly or otherwise needed electricity should be provided, instead of by nuclear power, by ever more clean, safe, secure, reliable, and affordable renewable energy, such as by solar and wind power.