Waste Transportation

The transportation of radioactive waste already occurs, but will become frequent on our rails, roads and waterways, should irradiated reactor fuel be moved to interim or permanent dump sites.



Beyond Nuclear letter to Transportation Secretary Buttigieg re: Risks of Shipping Highly Radioactive Wastes

See the Feb. 25, 2022 letter, here.

And see the landing page for hot links to embedded URLs/attached documents in the letter -- it is the next posting down.

Whether bound for Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities (which would at least double the transportation risks, by definition), or a permanent geologic repository, the highly radioactive waste transport risks are the same. Please feel free to share widely, as with media reporters, elected officials, concerned citizens, etc. Thank you.


Landing Page for Attachments to Letter to Secretary Buttigieg

URL/Hyper-links in the Feb. 25, 2022 Beyond Nuclear letter re: highly radioactive waste transportation risks, sent to the Honorable Pete Buttigieg, 
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation:

Page 3, Section I: <...experts have questioned...>.

Page 5, Section II:

<...overwhelmingly approved...>;


Page 7, Section V, Subsection (i):

<...gap analysis on extended storage and transport of SNF...>;

<...identified 30 unresolved technical issues...>.


Page 8, Section VI, subsection (i): <...acknowledged...>.

Page 11, Section VIII:




Page 13, Section IX: <...posed...>.

Page 14, Section X:

<...Preparing for Nuclear Waste Transportation...>;

<...robust onsite storage...>;

<...Hardened On-site Storage (HOSS)...>.


Mobile Chernobyl routes across the Lower 48, bound for proposed Southwest dump-sites

See your state in these 2017 documents from the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects:

2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These maps and shipment numbers are in the context of the Yucca Mountain dump, targeted at Western Shoshone land in Nevada. The documents are based on the U.S. Department of Energy's Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Yucca Mountain dump, published in 2008.
But they also shed a lot of light on the proposed CISFs (consolidated interim storage facilities) targeted at NM and TX. The further away from the Southwest shipments of highly radioactive waste originate, the more similar to identical shipping routes would be, whether bound for NV, or the TX/NM borderlands.
Outrageously and unjustifiably, the CISF companies, in cahoots with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, have kept routing bound for the CISFs in TX and NM obscure and secretive. They don't want the American public to find out such Mobile Chernobyls would be passing through their communities, en route to the Southwest.

The Hazards of Transporting Radioactive Waste from Vermont Yankee

Margaret HarringtonNuclear-Free Future, hosted by Margaret Harrington (photo, left), on Channel 17/Town Meeting TV, Burlington, Vermont.

Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist ‘watchdog’ from Beyond Nuclear, talks with host Margaret Harrington about the hazards of transporting radioactive nuclear waste from nuclear reactors, whether Vermont Yankee or Indian Point in New York State. Reactors make plutonium in waste. Wherever nuclear power goes, nuclear weapons follow.

Production date: June 14, 2021

Watch the video 43-minute recording, here.


BEYOND NUCLEAR V. NRC -- 'We'll See You in Court" on TX CISF!

Public commenters just say "NO!" at NRC environmental scoping meeting on the ISP CISF in Andrews, TX, Feb. 2017We've filed a federal court appeal against the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, regarding its rubber stamps of Interim Storage Partners' highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facility (CISF), targeted at the Waste Control Specialists national "low" level rad. waste dump in Andrews County, West Texas. See our press release here, with links to relevant documents. NRC is violating multiple federal laws, which we intend to prove at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the second highest court in the land, just under the U.S. Supreme Court. Last June, we also appealed against NRC's rubber stamps in Holtec's CISF case, targeting majority minority New Mexico. Both CISFs, just 40 miles apart, represent radioactive racism and environmental injustice.