Planned uranium mine in Mali cancelled
March 30, 2011

From our colleagues in Mali comes this piece of good news: "Following different activities of our friends in Mali (West Africa), Many CAMARA, Nouhoum KEITA and many others of ARACF (the association of present and former inhabitants of Falea); following the solidarity activities of the Forum Civique Europeen (European Civil Forum), the City of Geneva (Switzerland) and friends such as Agnes SINAI, Jacques MIRENOWICZ; thanks to the contributions of partners such as Senancounia and now the visit of the delegation of Mme Eva JOLY, Michel RIVASI and CRIIRAD (Independent French Committee of Research and Information on Radioactivity) from 26 to 30 of March, 2011,
the President of the state of Mali (West Africa), Amadou Toumai Toure just declared that there will NOT be a uranium mine in Falea. Falae will not be transformed into a uranium wasteland ...
We hope that the decision of the chief of state of Mali will not just be a promise made due to the circumstances (Fukushima).

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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