BELARUS NUKE SHUTS ON DAY 1: Country still suffers from Chernobyl fallout
December 3, 2020

As reported by AP, the brand new atomic reactor built by Belarus (green on map) dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled more than a quarter-century, operated for but one day before breaking down, already needing replacement parts. Unprecedented large-scale protests against the brutal dictatorship have continued for nearly four months, at very high risk to the protestors. More than 300 peaceful demonstrators were arrested on November 30. Decades ago, Belarus first suffered Stalinist terror, then a brutal Nazi invasion. Beginning April 26, 1986, Belarus suffered very severe Chernobyl radioactive fallout, the exploded and burning reactor just a short distance from its border. Chernobyl Children International has striven to help Belarus since 1991. Deploying reactors there should be a crime.


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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