Nuclear Free Future: Vermont Yankee, Nuclear Waste, Mobile Chernobyl
August 3, 2017

As hosted by Margaret Harrington on Channel 17/Town Meeting Television (Burlington, VT):


Chris Williams, Vermont organizer for the Citizens Awareness Network, talks about the Vermont Yankee/North Star proposal which gives the Paris, France based company Areva the contract to segment, package, and transport to offsite disposal the reactor pressure vessel and internal reactor components of the VY Boiling Water Reactor.

Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog of Beyond Nuclear, discusses the Nuclear Waste Amendments Act of 2017, which U.S. Representative Peter Welch from Vermont voted for in committee on June 28. He also talks about Waste Control Specialists and irradiated fuel shipments through most states.

Watch the recording.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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