S. 854, pushing high-level radioactive waste parking lot dumps & Mobile Chernobyl, set for Aug. 4th Capitol Hill hearing
July 9, 2015

The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee has announced a "Hearing to receive testimony on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle, including S. 854, the Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2015."

Both ENR Chairman Murkowski (R-AK) and Ranking Member Cantwell (D-WA), as well as Senate Appropriations Energy and Water Development Subcommittee Chairman Alexander (R-TN) and Ranking Member Feinstein (D-CA) are co-sponsors of S. 854. U.S. Sen. Wyden (D-OR) is also a co-sponsor.

See Congress.gov's summary of the bill's status.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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