OH and MN NRC nuke waste con public comment meetings rescheduled for Dec. 2 & 4, respectively; comment deadline now Dec. 20
October 31, 2013

North Anna watchdog Erica Grey, and Diane D'Arrigo of NIRS, unfurl a banner at NRC's first Nuke Waste Con Game meeting, held Oct. 1st in the NRC Commissioners conference room at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD. Photo by Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps.As posted at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Nuclear Waste Confidence Directorate website, the public comment meetings on NRC's Nuclear Waste Confidence Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS), to be held in Perrysburg, OH near Toledo, and Minnetonka, MN near the Twin Cities, have been rescheduled for December 2nd and 4th, respectively.

NRC has also announced that the deadline for public comments on the "Nuke Waste Con Game," or "Nuke Waste Con Job," as critics call it (see photo, left), has been extended till December 20th.

The reason for the changes is the October government shutdown, which caused a postponement of the public comment meetings.

Please see Beyond Nuclear's previous action alerts for how you can plug into the public comment meeting nearest you, and how you can submit vitally needed written comments anytime between now and December 20th!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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