Nuclear Hotseat #238: SPECIAL – Porter Ranch/Radon Radiation Risk
January 15, 2016

Host and producer Libbe HaLevy interviewed Beyond Nuclear's Cindy Folkers and Kevin Kamps, as well as Toledo attorney Terry Lodge (Beyond Nuclear's legal counsel in multiple atomic reactor license interventions), on her Nuclear Hotseat podcast.

The full program is devotedto the radon risk hidden
in the methane gas leak disaster at Porter Ranch in Los Angeles.

Listen to the audio recording online here, and see Libbe's write up about the program below: 

This Week’s Featured Interviews:

The Missing Link:

Nuclear Hotseat #237 – Byron DeLear interview transcript on West Lake Landfill and legal options.  (NOTE:  Tech glitch; will post on 1/13/16)


…A Reminder to All of the San Fernando Valley from your Friendly Neighborhood Environmental Protection Agency:

Update on January 15, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin

ENENews has transcribed parts of the Nuclear Hotseat podcast.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.