




Other Regions

Attempts to market nuclear power across the globe endanger these societies not only from the routine radioactive contamination and potential for accident or attack posed by operating reactors, but by the opportunity this technology provides to transition to nuclear weapons.



Has the North Korean regime detonated its third nuclear blast since 2006?!

A South Korean passenger watches TV news reporting an earthquake in North Korea, at the Seoul train station. Picture Source: AP.The Australian has reported an "artificial earthquake" epicentered near the North Korean regime's nuclear weapons test site of 2006 and 2009 which may signify the regime's third nuclear weapons test blast.

A decade ago, after George W. Bush lumped North Korea into the "Axis of Evil" alongside Iraq and Iran, Kim Jong Il withdrew from the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and accelerated North Korea's nuclear weapons development program. It was based on plutonium extracted from a so-called, Soviet-supplied civilian research reactor's irradiated nuclear fuel.

In a C-SPAN radio interview, a George W. Bush speech writer admitted that North Korea was added to the "Axis of Evil" as a last minute afterthought, to avoid accusations of merely singling out Muslim countries.

"The Axis of Evil" phrase was unveiled in a George W. Bush State of the Union speech, during the ill-fated build up to the 2003 Iraq invasion. President Barack Obama is poised to deliver the State of the Union tomorrow night.


U.S. nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific harmed more than U.S. territories

On the 61st anniversary of the first nuclear weapons test at the Nevada Test Site, a National Day of Remembrance for Downwinders marked the commemoration in the U.S. Companion legislation in the U.S. Senate would extend Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) coverage to the U.S. territory of Guam in the Pacific, downwind of U.S. nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific. Of course, other countries also are located downwind of U.S. nuclear weapons tests that were carried out in the Pacific, but no mention is made of them.


IAEA report says Iran could be working to get the Bomb

A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency suggests that there is "credible" evidence that Iran's nuclear activities are designed to build a nuclear bomb but stops short of stating that Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear weapons state. The IAEA sourced intelligence from 10 countries. Although the report contains virtually nothing new and reinforces existing fears that Iran's nuclear activities do not have so-called "peaceful" intentions, the report also marks the first time all the data have been composited into one document. The report concludes: “The information indicates that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device." Read more.


Yet another Iranian scientist linked to country's atomic program assassinated

BBC has reported that for the second time in less than two years, another Iranian scientist purportedly linked to the country's nuclear program has been assassinated. The Iranian regime blamed the Israeli Mossad for the 2010 assassination. The Iranian regime claims its uranium enrichment program is for electricity production. Iran, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), does have the legal right to develop atomic power. However, the U.S., Israeli, French, and certain other governments accuse the Iranian regime of instead pursuing expanded and accelerated uranium enrichment for nuclear weapons production purposes. Of course, the U.S., Israel, and France already have nuclear weapons arsenals of their own.


Russia assisting Iran start up of its first atomic reactor by August

The Associated Press reports that Russian assistance will enable Iran to fire up its first commercial reactor at Bushehr in just over a month. Iran insists the reactor is merely for electricity production. The U.S. and Israeli governments accuse Iran of using the reactor as part of its bid for nuclear weaponry.