




Other Regions

Attempts to market nuclear power across the globe endanger these societies not only from the routine radioactive contamination and potential for accident or attack posed by operating reactors, but by the opportunity this technology provides to transition to nuclear weapons.


Entries from January 1, 2010 - January 31, 2010


Save Bantamsklip campaign takes off

BANTAMSKLIP IS A WORLD HERITAGE AND NATURAL WONDER. Eskom and the South African Government, has earmarked Bantamsklip on the Cape Whale Route coast as one of the preferred sites for its nuclear power station roll out. The Save Bantamsklip Association supports and promotes the sustainable use and appropriate  conservation development of the Bantamsklip coast and not for the siting of a nuclear industrial complex. It believes that Bantamsklip, Groot Hagelkraal farm and the Dyer Island Marine Sanctuary to be World Heritage Site status and, as such, should be incorporated into the Agulhas National Park, thus further enhancing its conservation and tourism potential and not used as a nuclear power station site. The SAVE BANTAMSKLIP ASSOCIATION is calling on the public to oppose this ill advised and grossly inappropriate proposal by registering as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP). Visit and become familiar with the Bantamsklip site, the precious ecology of the Agulhas region and follow the resistance to this outrageous proposed development.