





Nuclear Weapons

Beyond Nuclear advocates for the elimination of all nuclear weapons and argues that removing them can only make us safer, not more vulnerable. The expansion of commercial nuclear power across the globe only increases the chance that more nuclear weapons will be built and is counterproductive to disarmament. We also cover nuclear weapons issues on our international site, Beyond Nuclear International.



North Korea plan to hit Guam waters with missiles to be ready within days


CommonDreams: 'Stop the Insanity': Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority

On anniversary of Nagasaki bombing, calls to end "saber-rattling" and de-escalate tensions with North Korea, by Jake Johnson, staff writer, published at CommonDreams.


In Trump’s North Korea warnings, his military school classmates hear echoes of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis

As reported by Michael E. Miller in the Washington Post.

(To correct a false impression made by the article, nuclear weapons had already been deployed to the Cuban theater, by the time of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. To make matters worse, Soviet field commanders, both on land, and at sea, had unilateral launch authority. This fact is documented, as presented at the December 2003 nuclear weapons summit held at American University, on the eve of the unveiling of the Enola Gay at the Smithsonian in Dulles, VA.

As reported in Joseph Gerson's Empire and the Bomb, a Soviet sub commander saved the world. His sub carried nuclear-tipped torpedoes. A U.S. warship, having cornered the sub, decided to have 'a little fun.' It began dropping depth charges, and succeeded in knocking out the sub's air supply. Soviet sailors were passing out. The top three commanders on board the Soviet sub had a choice. By unanimous vote, they could launch their nuclear-tipped torpedoes. To have done so would likely have escalated the Cuban Missile Crisis into a full-scale U.S.-U.S.S.R. nuclear war. But one of the commanders voted against firing, even though, for all he knew, the entire sub's crew would perish soon enough from lack of air. His decision likely saved the world.)


Trump’s threat to North Korea contrasts with calm reassurances of other administration officials


PDA: Emergency! Tell Trump: "No Nuclear War!"

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) Rapid Response action alert:

We Knew Trump Was Reckless, But This?

Yesterday, Donald Trump threatened nuclear war, shocking his top advisors and alarming the rest of us. As the world is reacting with dismay and resolve, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is taking action on behalf of the vast majority of Americans. We’re calling for sense and sound judgment, not saber rattling regarding North Korea specifically, and war—especially nuclear war—in general. Please stand with us.

Sign the Petition: No Nuclear War!

We’ve drafted a straightforward petition to Donald Trump. It states:

We call upon you to walk back your threats of "fire and fury" which have alarmed your own advisors as well as the people of the world. Renounce any and all threats of a nuclear attack against North Korea immediately, and pledge not to use nuclear weapons against any other nation.

Please sign this petition and share it with your friends and contacts to make yourself heard on this most important life or death issue.

In Solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, and Kim, your PDA National Team