Video available for July 8 webinar marking 25th anniv of Int'l Court of Justice opinion on nuclear weapons
July 21, 2021

Video is now available for July 8 webinar organized by International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms:

LOOKING BACK AND LOOKING AHEAD: the 25th anniversary of the 1996 ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons!


The opening speaker, Paolo Palchetti, addressed the legal effect of advisory opinions, explaining that opinions are more than “advice”; rather they are authoritative applications of law. Other speakers were: Phon van den Biesen (moderator), Peter Weiss, Christine Chinkin, Takeya Sasaki (video message), John Burroughs (moderator), Alyn Ware, Daniel Rietiker, Manfred Mohr, Kenichi Okubo (video message), and Amela Skiljan. For more about the speakers and their topics, see program.


Video and program can also be accessed via


John Burroughs, Senior Analyst

Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy

220 E. 49th St., Suite 1B

New York, NY 10017

(212) 818-1861

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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