Prevent War with North Korea: Build on the Olympic Truce
January 29, 2018

Action alert from Joseph Gerson of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) re: "Peace and Economic Security":

The Olympic Truce, engineered by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korea's Kim Jung-un, has for the moment sidelined President Trump's threats of war and given us the "gift of time" to build on it for broader diplomacy, for peace, not catastrophic war, in Korea.

Please take a look at my friend and colleague Kevin Martin's article about the Olympic Truce and steps that you can take with AFSC, Peace Action and a host of other organizations to build on this opportunity. Click here to find related resources.

For peace and survival,



Update on January 31, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin

As reported by CNN, Victor Cha, the presumptive nominee to serve as U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, has been summarily "fired" by the Trump administration for his resistance to a U.S. "bloody nose" pre-emptive military strike on North Korea.

The withdrawal by the Trump administration of Cha's nomination came just one day after Cha's op-ed on Jan. 30th, "Giving North Korea a 'Bloody Nose' Carries a Huge Risk for Americans," published in the Washington Post.

Frank Aum of the U.S. Institute of Peace, a North Korea expert interviewed by NPR, warned that Cha's dismissal indicates the Trump White House is seriously considering a military strike against North Korea.

The dire warning echoes an article in Business Insider published Jan. 24th, "U.S. stealth bombers in Guam appear to be readying for a tactical nuclear strike on North Korea."

Update on February 1, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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