Global Zero: Emergency rally at White House tonight
August 9, 2017

Subject: Emergency rally at White House tonight

Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 12:49:03 -0400

From: Lillyanne Daigle

Hi everyone --

In light of the unfolding nuclear crisis, Global Zero is teaming up with several organizations (MoveOn, Win Without War, CodePink, and several others) to organize an emergency rally tonight in front of the White House from 6-7:30pm to stand against nuclear war. We'll be having a moment of silence at the end of the event to commemorate the Nagasaki bombings.
FB event here:
We'd love your help! Putting on last minute events is tough, so we need all the help we can get. Sharing the event, inviting your DC members, and showing up after work would all be incredibly helpful.
This is a big moment -- our issue is in the spotlight; people are (rightfully) freaked out; and we need to give them something to do. I think this rally is a good first step in getting people out in the streets against nukes.
I hope you can join us at the rally tonight and help recruit folks to join in. 
Ping me with any questions!
- Lilly & the GZ team
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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