UCS: We must prevent nuclear war at all costs
October 12, 2017

Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) has published the following action alert:

This month marks the 55th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis—a tense military and political standoff between the United States and the then Soviet Union in October 1962. That 13-day period is often considered the closest our country ever came to nuclear war. Unfortunately, current events make it feel like, once again, we are edging closer to catastrophe—this time with North Korea. In fact, beyond the dangerous words and saber rattling between President Trump and North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, the Trump administration is pushing for more “usable” nuclear weapons as part of a hugely expensive plan to re-build the entire US nuclear arsenal. Just this week it was reported that President Trump told military commanders he wanted a tenfold increase in the size of the nuclear arsenal. In addition, the administration is threatening to tear up successful arms control agreements that have made us safer while taking other steps that will take our nuclear policy back decades. We need to work together to step back from the nuclear brink, reduce the risks these weapons pose, and build a more secure future—without the fear of global nuclear catastrophe.

Science in Action
Preventing Nuclear War: Congress Must Play a Role
The North Korea crisis is just one aspect of an even bigger problem: the Trump administration and nuclear hawks inside and outside of Congress are reportedly pulling together plans to build more “usable” nuclear weapons and spend more than $1 trillion to re-build the entire nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile, the administration is threatening to walk away from critical US-Russian nuclear arms control agreements that make the world a safer place. Write to your members of Congress and demand that they take real leadership on nuclear weapons issues.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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