Global Zero: Rally for Zero, April 1st, Washington, D.C.
April 1, 2016

Rally for Zero

Nuclear weapons ≠ security


On March 31 & April 1, world leaders are convening right here in DC to talk nuclear security. Not on the agenda: nuclear weapons.


That has to change. There are 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world today, thousands ready to fire at a moment’s notice. Nuclear weapons jeopardize global security - not strengthen it.


Join us as we rally to show world leaders that 15,000 nuclear weapons ≠ security. It’s time they take action for zero.


Who: Global Zero, the international movement to eliminate nuclear weapons, and you!


What: A rally featuring a life-size inflated nuclear missile and Global Zero movement leaders


When: Friday, April 1st, 12:00pm


Where: McPherson Square


RSVP at:


Email for more information.

Update on March 31, 2016 by Registered Commenteradmin
Joseph Gerson with Peace & Planet (and author of Empire of the Bomb) has sent the following alert:
We have five days to hit our initial target for participants in this year’s Global Days of Action on Military Spending Thunderclap.

Please sign up and send on our Global Day of Action on Military Spending Thunderclap link:

More information about GDAMS at:

Thanks for your help.
For peace AND justice,
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.