Arms control experts meet to build pressure on White House
January 13, 2010

A group of experts in the field of arms control met recently at the DC offices of the Ploughshares Fund to develop a strategy that will push the Obama administration to fulfill its global disarmament pledge made during a speech by the president last April in Prague. As reported in Foreign Policy, there are many major developments pending on the non-proliferation front: "The next six months will see either the significant advancement or the defeat of a host of arms-control priorities. The agenda includes ratification of the still-pending START follow-on agreement with Russia, the February release of the president's budget, the March release of the Nuclear Posture Review, a major summit on nuclear terrorism in Washington in April, and the Nonproliferation Treaty conference in May. A push for U.S. ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is also coming."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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