Additional media coverage of Indian Point's closure in 2020-2021
January 7, 2017
admin; Pix11; NY Daily News; NY Post;

CBS NY quotes Gary Shaw of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition:

“It is insane to be operating a nuclear power plant in the New York metropolitan area,” Gary Shaw told CBS2’s Brian Conybeare.

More than 17 million people live within 50 miles of the plant, which sits along the lower Hudson River 30 miles north of the city.

Shaw has been fighting to shut down the plant for 16 years and welcomed the news of the apparent deal.

“The devil is in the details. Anything that will stop the plant from operating is a good thing,” he said.

WABC-TV NY; NBC 4 NY; Peekskill Daily Voice; Pleasantville Daily Voice.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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