Nuclear Hotseat #457 – CoVid19/Nuclear Nightmare Begins: NRC’s Inadequate Conference Call – Paul Gunter, Eric Epstein, Kevin Kamps
March 26, 2020

Eric Epstein, Chairman of TMIA, introduces Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps and Paul Gunter, at the PA State Capital Rotunda in Harrisburg, Oct. 2018.Listen here to the full episode, brought to you by Libbe HaLevy, Host and Producer.


This Week’s Covid19/Nuclear Features and Interviews:

[Beyond Nuclear stood with Three Mile Island Alert in Oct. 2018 at the PA State Capital Rotunda in Harrisburg, on the eve of the 40th annual commemoration of the TMI-2 meltdown. See photo, above left. March 28, 2020 marks the 41st anniversary observation of the TMI-2 meltdown. See Beyond Nuclear's TMI Truth website section.]
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