"Knocking on the Devil's Door: Our Deadly Nuclear Legacy"
August 31, 2011

A screening of Gary Null's new documentary, "Knocking on the Devil's Door: Our Deadly Nuclear Legacy," will take place on Sept. 21st at the Ethical Culture Society in New York City. Beyond Nuclear staffpersons Kevin Kamps and Cindy Folkers appear in the documentary, as does board member Karl Grossman and founding president Helen Caldicott. Karl will speak on the panel at the Sept. 21st screening, alongside Dr. Vandana Shiva, Harvey Wasserman, Greg Palast, and the Sato family from Fukushima Prefecture in Japan, who are leading grassroots efforts to demand the Japanese federal government fund a much larger evacuation given the extensive and severe Fukushima Daiichi radioactive fallout. Beyond Nuclear will have an information table at the event. See www.knockingonthedevilsdoor.com for more information about the documentary and its upcoming screening in New York City.

To obtain a free copy of the DVD, see below.

August 26, 2011

Gary Null Productions

2307 Broadway, New York, NY 10024

Richard Gale  646-926-5436 Rgale@garynull.com
Valerie Van Cleeve 646-926-5441 Valerie@garynull.com


“Knocking on the Devil’s Door”
Free Offer for New Documentary About the Deadly Legacy of Nuclear Power
Following the catastrophe of the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, Dr. Gary Null, an award-winning film director and public radio talk show host, began production for a new documentary to address the history and disasters of nuclear power, the health risks of low level radiation, and the rampant corruption and deception employed by the corporate energy complex to keep nuclear power a favorite source of energy in the halls of Washington.
His new documentary, Knocking on the Devil’s Door: Our Deadly Nuclear Legacy, launched its theater premiers in New York and Los Angeles on August 5-11, 2011. Due to the overwhelming positive response and the film’s potential to mobilize anti-nuclear projects to educate the public, legislators and media, it is being offered free to anti-nuclear and environmental organizations, journalists, community groups, and legislators. Dr. Null and his team hope organizations will take advantage of this opportunity to utilize the information and power of this documentary to galvanize opposition to the relicensing of nuclear reactors and to call an end to nuclear power.
To receive a free copy of Knocking on the Devil’s Door, please visit this secure page (only accessible via invitation) to request a DVD copy.
The film’s trailer can also be viewed at www.knockingonthedevilsdoor.com

Please click here for a film description.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.