Zombies urge TVA to use their brains and say NO to Bellefonte
August 23, 2011

Environmental Action Coalition's "Moving Beyond Dirty Energy" division reports that zombies descended on the Tennessee Valley Authority's Chattanooga offices on July 22nd, and again on TVA's Knoxville offices on August 5th, urging TVA's Board of Directors to remove from its August 18th meeting agenda the proposal to revive a "zombie nuke" at Bellefonte nuclear power plant that has been dormant since 1988. In fact, according to nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates, dormant reactors at Bellefonte have been "cannibalized" for spare parts over the years and decades to be used at other TVA nuclear power plants, leaving Bellefonte in a dangerous state of disrepair. "United Against Bellefonte" organizers include: Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Students Promoting Environmental Action in Knoxville, Statewide Organizing for Community Empowerment (SOCM), United Mountain Defense, TN Chapter of the Sierra Club, and Bellefonte Efficiency and Sustainability Team (BEST). Chattanooga's Times Free Press has posted a video story about the July 21st protest. There is also a YouTube video from the Knoxville protest rally.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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