Statewide coalition forms to shut down California nuclear plants
August 10, 2011

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace has put out a media release today:

"Following the August 7 MUSE (Musicians United for Safe Energy) anti-nuclear concert, more than 60 California groups met in San Mateo for the first statewide Anti-Nuclear post-Fukushima Summit. Participants committed to continuing work towards the shut-down of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, both of which are immediately adjacent to major earthquake faults. In addition, summit members focused on energy conservation and clean, safe, renewable solutions to establish a nuclear-free California.

Among the groups participating were the following: Abalone Alliance Clearinghouse; Alliance for Survival; Coalition For Responsible Ethical Environmental Decisions (CREED); Ecological Options Network (EON); Friends of the Earth; Green Leap Forward; Greenpeace; Los Angeles Greens; No Nukes Caucus Veterans for Peace; No Nukes on Faults; Peace and Freedom Party; Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles; Redwood Alliance; Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE); Sacred Sites Peacewalk for a Nuclear Free World; San Clemente Green; San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace; Veterans for Peace Chapter 162 East Bay San Francisco; Women's Energy Matters.

The MUSE concert was a fund-raiser for the victims of the Fukushima disaster and for clean, safe energy. See Guacamole Fund website and Facebook for more information about the artists and the concert.

Photos of the MUSE concert, featuring Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt and others are available at
and at" 

For more info., contact Jane Swanson with San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace at, (805) 595-2605, or cell (805) 440-1359.

Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) helped pull the coalition meeting together. Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps was in attendance.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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