Ohio House passes nuclear bailout after nudge from Trump operative
May 30, 2019

Ohio House passes nuclear bailout after nudge from Trump operative

• The Ohio House passes a controversial bill providing subsidies to nuclear and coal plants while scaling back clean energy programs. (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
The vote followed a last-minute push by a Trump campaign operative who warned plant closures could harm the president’s re-election chances. (Politico)

Update on May 30, 2019 by Registered Commenteradmin

If you live in OH, please contact your state representative and senator directly, and spread word to everyone you know across your state to do the same. You can also phone your OH state legislator at 1-512-562-9139 to stop the nuclear bailout bill! Use these talking points from Sierra Club.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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