A tale of two governors: "Exelon Losing in its Own Backyard as New York Rescues Nukes"
August 3, 2016

As reported by Bloomberg:

In the end, the fate of Exelon Corp.’s money-losing reactors in Illinois and New York may have come down to one governor who desperately wanted to rescue them and another who wasn’t so sure.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo [a Democrat] laid down his marker in December when he told the chairman of the state’s utility regulator that losing two upstate nuclear plants would gut a plan to cut global warming pollution and cost jobs. On Monday, the state agreed to a bailout and within hours, Exelon said it would invest $200 million in the two plants.

While Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner [a Republican] also worried about job losses, he said any rescue plan must protect ratepayers and taxpayers and that corporate bailouts raise red flags. In June, Chicago-based Exelon said it would close two Illinois plants after the state legislature balked at a measure to stem their financial losses.


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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