---Vital safety inspections, repairs and maintenance at Michigan atomic reactors be carried out, not deferred or cancelled, including for example the torus inspection and repair at Fermi 2 prior to reactor restart;
---The highly radioactive waste storage pools at Michigan reactors be carefully monitored and prepared for the potential loss of electric grid power to run safety and cooling systems, that is, that back-up emergency diesel generators be connected to pool cooling systems prior to an emergency, and that expedited transfer of irradiated nuclear fuel into on-site or near-site hardened storage be prioritized;
---There be no further reduction in safety margins at Fermi 2, Palisades, or Cook, even during refueling outage shutdowns -- the COVID-19 emergency is no excuse to increase radiological risks;
---Emergency preparedness and response measures, complicated by the coronavirus pandemic, be comprehensively reviewed and addressed, including by state, county, local, and tribal agencies of jurisdiction;
---Given the reduced demand for electricity at the present time, keep Palisades shut down for good, and delay refueling outages, and postpone restarts, at Fermi Unit 2 and Cook Units 1 and 2, until post-pandemic, in order to prevent coronavirus outbreaks in southwest Michigan, as has already occurred in southeast Michigan at Fermi 2 due to very large, itinerant refueling outage workforces traveling in from outside counties and even other states.