We haven't seen a quote like this from an NRC Commissioner in a LONG time!
November 8, 2010

''If a Secretary of Agriculture endorsed better meat inspection, you wouldn't have a debate of near religious fervor about whether that person was pro- or anti-meat, whether he had sold out to the vegetarians.

You'd debate whether the stricter regulations made sense. It's somehow unique to nuclear power that, when one refuses to have nuclear power on the industry's terms, one gets chucked into a bin labeled 'anti-nuclear.' ''

-Peter A. Bradford, former Commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 3/9/82

So where is Peter Bradford when we need him? Very much engaged in these issues, actually. Serving on the board of Union of Concerned Scientists and teaching at Vermont Law School, Peter Bradford very actively speaks out on the uneconomic nature of new reactors on a very regular basis. His latest essay is entitled "Honey, I Shrunk the Renaissance: Nuclear Revival, Climate Change, and Reality."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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