Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Standing Rock Water Protectors need your help -- Call President Obama!

Water protectors attacked with tear gas

Food & Water Watch has issued the following action alert: The situation in Standing Rock, North Dakota is escalating. In the last week, militarized police from five states used pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets and sound grenades to break up peaceful Native American water protectors and their allies standing in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline. I'm hearing horror stories from people on the front lines that make me sick - the violence is unacceptable.

We can't allow a private oil and gas corporation to build a dirty pipeline through sacred indigenous lands, put key waterways at risk and keep us addicted to climate-changing fossil fuels. We must all stand against the injustices against Native peoples and their allies.

Call 877-559-7809 to tell President Obama to protect Native communities and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

[Also see Beyond Nuclear's Human Rights website section for additional news updates and action alerts re: the Dakota Access Pipeline resistance at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation.]


FOCUS: Dakota Pipeline and Geprag's Park Vermont Protests Unify

Channel 17 (CCTV, TownMeeting Television, Burlington, Vermont) host Margaret Harrington gets together with Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, Jane Palmer of Rising Tide, Vermont and Dr. Rachel Smolker of Protect Geprag's Park to talk about the unification of the Dakota Oil Access Pipeline Protest with the Fracked Gas Pipeline Protest in Addison County, Vermont. The activists emphasize the main similarity which is that corporate interests take precedence over the needs and wishes of the people and the environment. Elected officials and those running for office are noncommittal. President Obama states he will wait to see how the Dakota Pipeline plays out while 140 Native American protesters are arrested and caged by law enforcement officers from seven states. Meanwhile the Bundy Clan who took over federal land by armed violence have been acquitted by a federal jury.

Watch the 29-minute epidsode of CCTV-Channel 17's "FOCUS" here.


Food & Water Watch: Standing Rock Water Protectors Need Your Help--Call President Obama at 877-559-7809 to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline! 

The situation in Standing Rock, North Dakota is escalating. In the last week, militarized police from five states used pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets and sound grenades to break up peaceful Native American water protectors and their allies standing in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline.¹ I'm hearing horror stories from people on the front lines that make me sick — the violence is unacceptable.

We can't allow a private oil and gas corporation to build a dirty pipeline through sacred indigenous lands, put key waterways at risk and keep us addicted to climate-changing fossil fuels. We must all stand against the injustices against Native peoples and their allies.

Call 877-559-7809 to tell President Obama to protect Native communities and stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is being built by multinational corporation Energy Transfer Partners — backed by the biggest banks on Wall St.² — and will carry Bakken crude oil across native lands in North Dakota and down through farmlands and across waterways in South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois.

The bold resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline has gotten very little national media attention, but the pressure on the President to stop the pipeline is mounting. Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders sent a letter to the President calling on him to use his power to stop the pipeline,³ and thousands are joining the call from Standing Rock leaders to stand with them in solidarity.

It's up to all of us to do what we can to demand immediate action to stop this pipeline. Add your voice — call President Obama at 877-559-7809 and say:

"I stand with the people of the Standing Rock Sioux and urge President Obama to step in and STOP the Dakota Access Pipeline."

In North Dakota, the water protectors are preparing to keep all five camps running throughout the harsh winter. I will be traveling to Standing Rock one week from today to work in solidarity with indigenous leaders on the ground and hope that Food & Water Watch supporters like you will continue to help the people on the front line.

Here's what else you can do to help:

  1. Ask your friends on Facebook to call President Obama — share the image above on Facebook.
  2. Donate to the camps leading resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. 
  3. Join solidarity events in your community. Check out the map to see if there is a #NoDAPL solidarity action in your area.
  4. Travel to Standing Rock. If you are interested in traveling to Standing Rock, you can fill out the form to travel to the Red Warrior Camp.
  5. Other. Check out the #NoDAPL Solidarity website for more information and ways to support the indigenous-led movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I'm so proud to stand with you and others across the country to support Native communities. Thank you for everything you've done to stop pipelines that threaten our communities, our drinking water and our precious climate.

In solidarity,

Eleanor Bravo
Senior National Pipeline Campaigner
Food & Water Watch

1. Full Dakota Access Pipeline coverage from Democracy Now!
2. Who's Digging In on the Dakota Access Pipeline, Food & Water Water, October 17, 2016.
3. Sanders Calls on President to Intervene in Dakota Access Pipeline Dispute, Senator Bernie Sanders Website, October 28, 2016


Standing Rock Chair: Obama Could Stop the Dakota Pipeline Today & Preserve Indigenous Sacred Sites


Demo: Bring Ohio State Troopers back from Dakota, 11/3 at 5, Swanton, OH State Police Post on Airport Highway near Toledo Express Airport

Bring Ohio State Troopers Back from North Dakota

Thursday, November 3rd, at 5PM

Ohio State Highway Patrol in Swanton, Ohio

The Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition is calling on the community to come out for a peaceful protest in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North Dakota.

The protest will be at the State Police post on Airport Highway near Toledo Express Airport.