NEIS: "SoCal Edison Pulls the Plug on Two Nuke Reactors -- Could Have Serious Implications for Illinois"
June 12, 2013

The 32-year old watchdog group Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) of Illinois, which hosted the Dec. 2012 "Mountain of Radioactive Waste 70 Years High" conference co-sponsored by Beyond Nuclear and Friends of the Earth, has published a press release about Illinois being at the top of the target list for "consolidated interim storage" of high-level radioactive waste, as advocated by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, as well as draft U.S. Senate legislation. 

NEIS cites a 2012 study by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which states:

“…the consolidated ISFSI [independent spent fuel storage] site in Illinois is the single optimized site for an ISFSI solution when only [spent nuclear fuel] at orphaned reactors is considered relative to siting a consolidated ISFSI.”

NEIS points out that the high-level radioactive wastes currently stored at recently closed reactors at Crystal River, FL, Kewaunee, WI and San Onofre, CA, along with the on-site wastes at long-closed reactors such as Zion 30 miles north of Chicago, would be first in line to ship to "centralized interim storage" if the Senate bill is enacted. More.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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