"Into Eternity" near top of list of best "Nuclear Cinema"
August 18, 2011

Scene from film showing filmmaker Michael Madsen peering "into eternity."Scott Thill has posted a film review at Alternet entitled "Top 10 Great Works of Nuclear Cinema." He ranks the documentary about radioactive waste "Into Eternity" at #2, just beneath the classic "Dr. Strangelove." Beyond Nuclear is helping organize showings of "Into Eternity" across the country. If you are interested in helping bring a screening to your community, go to the Beyond Nuclear screening page on the Specialty Studios website and click "host a screening" to get more information and sign up! If you are interested in finding a screening near you please click "find a screening".

When screening the film, we encourage you to collaborate with Beyond Nuclear by emailing us at info@beyondnuclear.org for materials, a sign-in sheet and, if feasible, a speaker. We can also help with suggested discussion topics and action items following the film.  We’d like to hear from you after the screening, too, so that we can build momentum and numbers in opposing the continued production of more yet more radioactive waste!

As Thill wrote at Alternet, "the public needs to watch these 10 movies to full comprehend the threat of nuclear power." And "Into Eternity" is at the top of the list! 

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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