TEPCO plugs highly radioactive leak as situation remains grave
April 6, 2011

Tokyo Electric Power Company has apparently plugged one of the largest known and most radioactive leaks gushing into the Pacific Ocean by injecting a solution of sodium silicate or "liquid glass" into the ground around a crack in a concrete vault near Unit 2 containing extremely radioactive water measuring 100 rems/hr.  TEPCO continues to pour hundreds of tons of water into the damaged reactors to cool partially melted nuclear cores in the continuing fight to contain and bring the accident under control. The cooling operation however is creating a river of highly radioactive water flowing throughout of the reactor building that has spilled over into groundwater and the ocean. Japan is now asking for Russia to bring in a floating radiation treatment facility to begin to filter the radioactive river.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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