Increased cancers in TMI radiation plumes
March 20, 2011

In light of the accidents at Fukushima and the false statement that no one died because of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident which occurred in Pennsylvania in 1979, we are posting a link to this health study which concludes:

"Previous studies concluded that there was no evidence that the 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island (TMI) affected cancer incidence in the surrounding area; however, there were logical and methodological problems in earlier reports that led us to reconsider data previously collected.

Results support the hypothesis that radiation doses are related to increased cancer incidence around TMI. ...results may underestimate the magnitude of the association between radiation and cancer incidence. These associations would not be expected, based on previous estimates of near-background levels of radiation exposure following the accident." Environmental Health Perspectives.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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